In addition to Delegate Assembly, we have meetings quarterly to update the public on the ministries of Churches United. These meetings provide an opportunity to ask questions and address concerns to our Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Melvin L. Grimes.
On March 23rd, Churches United hosted a quarterly meeting via Zoom. The meeting was led by our Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Melvin L. Grimes. Mel provided a summary of Churches United’s ministries for 2020, as well as providing an explanation for changes that occurred and where Churches United is focused on in 2021. Damon Colvin, Churches United’s Treasurer, provided an explanation of where the organizations was financially in 2020 and changes that have improved the organizations financial position in 2021. Board President, Darlos Stroud, elaborated and clarified issues presented by Mel and Damon. Associate Director, Betsy Vanausdeln gave an update on food ministry numbers for 2020 and highlighted that hunger ministries distributed over 2.9 million pounds of food in 2020, which is the equivalent of approximately 2.1 million meals. Participants were encouraged to ask questions and were reminded to attend the Delegate Assembly meeting on April 22nd.