Food Pantries

Churches United hunger ministry has 23 Food Pantries responding to nearly 140,000 needs for meals annually throughout Rock Island and Scott Counties. Over 100 churches and other organizations contribute money or food and scores of volunteers to operate them.

Food in the pantryEmergency Food Pantry Access:
Emergency food pantries are located in neighborhoods. A person/family in need can visit the food pantry that serves their location and receive 5-7 days of emergency food FREE. The Food Pantry you visit will ask you for identification (drivers license or state ID) and documentation showing your residence address (utility bill, rent receipt, etc.) delivered through the mail with a date stamp within the last 30 days. Call Churches United offices (563) 332-5002 to find the location of the food pantry that serves your neighborhood.

Can someone go back for more?

The Food Pantries operated by Churches United will provide food for you (if you live in their geographical area) on your first visit whether or not you have a referral form. If you have a need for emergency food more than once within a 30 day period, you will need a referral from your caseworker, pastor, school nurse or counselor. This will allow you to work with someone that can help you solve the challenge of providing yourself and your family with proper food and nutrition.

food pantryIf you do not have a caseworker at a Quad Cities helping agency:
Illinois Residents contact:

Project NOW
Department of Human Services

Iowa Residents contact:
Community Action of Eastern Iowa:
Department of Human Services

Churches United can not serve as your caseworker or provide you with a referral form.

How can I/we help those who are hungry?
The Churches United Hunger Ministries are made possible by over 400 generous, hardworking and dedicated volunteers. Volunteers do a variety of things to help the operation of our food pantries. Become a part of our volunteer team by:

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Food Pantry - Barb